What's in my.....


In an effort to become more consistent in my blogging this year, and realising that my main reason for blogging is illustration Friday I've decided to do a personal what's in my... Wednesday (though if others were to join in I would love that. It just I can't imagine that anyone would read this, let alone join in). Anyway, in the spirit of casual nosiness I aim to display the content of a bag, or book (or maybe stretch it to on and show the contents of a shelf or something?) for no particular reason. Or maybe to illustrate what instigates my creative impulses so you become interested in my work and buy things.

Yes, definitely the second. It has longer words and sounds professional.

Now, should I list what is in my bag, or leave it for people to guess? Would guessing be more fun, or lead to embarrassment on my part when no one cares? Anyway, here is another picture:
It's my project book. It explains some exciting plans I have ... well, planned. Including a sale of sorts and some new products I'm considering. Perhaps I will show what in my project book next x

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