Illo dusty


Illo dust , originally uploaded by Champignons.

Nous sommes de la poussière d'étoiles..... we are made of star dust.
A quote I love and a print I just finished this very day! How serendipitous!

The rumours that I am a print artist are true..I am back, and I am at work after an extended christmas break.

I think one of the reasons I have been so immensely crap at keeping my blog updated is dolls. I had one for my christmas present and painting her, dressing her, finding the right eyes and wigs for her.. well it takes time. And I don't have much spare time so the blog fell by the wayside. So it makes sense that my first post and print back should be one of the dolls- this is sleepy Alice, I got her in the summer and she's wonderfully petulant.

I also wanted a new look and feel for my blog; I have my blip for personal stuff and my Deviant Art for Doll stuff (it just seems to be the most doll friendly place.. some people don't like them and they can be really rude) so I really just wanted this blog to be more for inspirational beautiful things and my art.

It just I haven't quite put the time into organising that. Or much else. Appart from the doll. Who only needs shoes.. .. she even has a name.

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